What Is the Difference Between Digital Templating and Traditional Countertop Fabrication?

There is much to be considered with the granite countertop fabrication process. With traditional granite countertop installations, exhaustive measurements are taken and a mockup is carefully crafted to ensure that the finished product has a superior fit and appearance. The digital templating process uses a laser scan to take highly accurate measurements and also produces an excellent fit. Each of the methods has positive attributes.
No Need to Remove Existing Countertops
With the digital templating method, existing countertops can remain in place while the new granite countertop fabrication is taking place in the shop. Removal of the old surface and installation of the new is done in one day. With traditional methods the countertop may need to be removed, allowing for mockup to be built on site to ensure a good fit. This may mean that you are without countertops for a time.
Precise Measurements
The digital templating machine stands on a tripod and makes a thorough scan of the area where the countertops are being replaced, picking up the smallest discrepancies and divots in the walls surfaces allowing the new countertop to fit snugly. The apparatus will then produce a drawing on site in your home, which can be customized and approved before they leave. Likewise traditional contractors will take accurate measurements by hand, scribing irregular surfaces for an accurate fit. A designer will then work with you to choose edges and other finish details to suit your needs.
Mockups for an Accurate Fit
Using the digital laser measurement, a vinyl template will be cut and laid on the granite as a precise pattern. Matching curves around columns and similar objects is greatly simplified with the digital process. With traditional methods, a luan mockup is painstakingly made and custom fitted to the contours of your kitchen’s features before transferring to the granite slab for cutting and finishing.
There are differences in technique and pricing between the two methods. Whether you decide to go with digital templating or traditional methods for countertop fabrication, be sure to choose a licensed professional contractor with an established track record of satisfied clients and a guarantee that you will love the finished results.